Hacking Open Docker Registries: Pulling, Extracting, and Exploiting Images

Hacking Open Docker Registries: Pulling, Extracting, and Exploiting Images
This article discusses the security risks associated with misconfigured Docker registries, featuring a firsthand account of exploiting such a vulnerability to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. The author provides a detailed walkthrough on discovering open Docker registries, extracting information from images, and even injecting a backdoored image if the registry permits. Affected: Docker registries, application developers, cybersecurity practitioners

Keypoints :

  • Misconfigured Docker registries can expose sensitive container images.
  • Open registries may contain hardcoded credentials and API keys.
  • Methods for discovering open Docker registries include using FOFA, Shodan, and Google Dorks.
  • Nmap can scan for Docker Registry APIs on common ports.
  • Extracting images allows access to stored credentials and configuration files.
  • Weak MySQL configurations can be discovered within extracted images.
  • If allowed, injecting a backdoored image can compromise the system.
  • Preventative measures include disabling anonymous access and enforcing secure configurations.

Full Story: https://infosecwriteups.com/hacking-open-docker-registries-pulling-extracting-and-exploiting-images-339f41fbf9b4?source=rssโ€”-7b722bfd1b8dโ€”4