Ransomware attack on New York Blood Center forces workarounds, drive cancellations

Ransomware attack on New York Blood Center forces workarounds, drive cancellations
Summary: The New York Blood Center Enterprises has experienced a ransomware attack, prompting the rescheduling of blood drives and temporary workarounds to maintain services. The organization has communicated with law enforcement and is collaborating with cybersecurity experts to manage the incident effectively. Although blood donations are still being accepted, processing times may be longer than usual.

Affected: New York Blood Center Enterprises

Keypoints :

  • Suspicious activity was detected in the IT system on Sunday, leading to the identification of a ransomware incident.
  • Donor center activities and blood drives might be rescheduled, and additional blood donations may be needed in the coming weeks.
  • This attack comes as part of a troubling trend of cybersecurity incidents targeting blood centers globally.

Source: https://therecord.media/ransomware-attack-new-york-blood-center-forces-workarounds