Summary: Cloudflare reported the largest DDoS attack to date, peaking at 5.6 Tbps, which targeted an unnamed ISP in Eastern Asia on October 29, 2024. The attack, originating from a Mirai-variant botnet, lasted only 80 seconds and involved over 13,000 IoT devices. Cloudflare also noted a significant increase in DDoS attacks in 2024, with a 53% rise compared to the previous year.
Threat Actor: Mirai-variant botnet | Mirai
Victim: Unnamed ISP | Unnamed ISP
Keypoints :
- The attack was the largest ever reported, surpassing the previous record of 3.8 Tbps.
- Cloudflare mitigated approximately 21.3 million DDoS attacks in 2024, with a notable increase in attacks exceeding 1 Tbps.
- Common attack vectors included SYN floods (38%), DNS floods (16%), and UDP floods (14%).
- Countries like Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Singapore were major sources of DDoS attacks, while China and the Philippines were among the most targeted.
- Cybersecurity firms are warning about Mirai botnet offshoots exploiting IoT vulnerabilities for DDoS attacks.