Summary: The Tablas Island Electric Cooperative, Inc. (TIELCO) in Romblon, Philippines, has experienced a significant data breach that exposed sensitive employee and customer information. The breach, attributed to the threat actor known as “Lootz” from Deathnote Hackers, raises serious concerns about the security of TIELCO’s critical infrastructure and billing systems. Investigations reveal that over 200 employee records and consumer data, particularly affecting senior citizens, have been compromised, increasing the risk of identity theft and service disruption.
Threat Actor: Deathnote Hackers | Lootz
Victim: Tablas Island Electric Cooperative, Inc. | TIELCO
Keypoints :
- Over 200 employee records compromised, including personal details.
- Leaked consumer data primarily affects senior citizens, posing identity theft risks.
- Potential disruption to TIELCO’s critical infrastructure and billing systems.