Summary: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released an AI Cybersecurity Collaboration Playbook aimed at enhancing information sharing between public and private sectors to address AI-related cyber threats. Developed in collaboration with various federal agencies and industry leaders, the playbook encourages organizations to adopt its guidance for improved cybersecurity practices. The initiative comes as the Biden administration prepares to issue a final cybersecurity executive order before the transition of power.
Threat Actor: CISA | CISA
Victim: Public and Private Sectors | Public and Private Sectors
Keypoints :
- The playbook aims to foster collaboration among federal agencies, industry, and international partners on AI-related cybersecurity risks.
- It includes actionable information-sharing categories and mechanisms for reporting cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
- All actions outlined in the playbook are voluntary, with no new policies or requirements being instituted.