Summary: The US Justice Department and FBI successfully removed “PlugX” malware from thousands of devices globally, targeting a China-sponsored hacking group known as “Mustang Panda.” This operation revealed the extensive reach of the malware, which has infected numerous victims since 2014, including dissident groups and individuals across multiple continents.
Threat Actor: Mustang Panda | Mustang Panda
Victim: Various individuals and organizations | PlugX victims
Key Point :
- The operation was a collaborative effort led by French law enforcement and involved a French cybersecurity firm,
- PlugX malware was used to steal information from infected computers, with many victims unaware of their compromised devices.
- The FBI obtained nine warrants to delete the malware from US-based computers, showcasing a proactive approach to cybersecurity.
- The Chinese government allegedly funded the hacking group to develop their version of PlugX.