Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: Telecommunication Service Provider | Telecommunication Service Provider
Price: Not disclosed
Exfiltrated Data Type: Call transcriptions and phone numbers
Victim: Telecommunication Service Provider | Telecommunication Service Provider
Price: Not disclosed
Exfiltrated Data Type: Call transcriptions and phone numbers
Key Points :
- A reported data breach has exposed sensitive information from 90,000 inbound calls.
- The leaked data includes detailed call transcriptions and associated phone numbers.
- Concerns have been raised about user privacy and communication security.
- Such breaches can lead to unauthorized access to private conversations.
- Potential misuse of personal contact details is a significant risk.
- This incident underscores the need for stringent cybersecurity measures.
- Organizations and individuals are advised to monitor for suspicious activities.
- Proper security protocols are essential to mitigate such risks.
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