Summary: Telegram has revealed a significant increase in the number of U.S. government requests for user data, sharing information on over 2,200 users with law enforcement. This change follows a policy shift allowing data sharing in various criminal cases, including cybercrime, after pressure from authorities.
Threat Actor: Cybercriminals | cybercriminals
Victim: Telegram users | Telegram users
Key Point :
- Telegram processed 900 government requests, sharing data of 2,253 users, a sharp increase from previous years.
- The policy change allows data sharing for various crimes, not just terrorism, in response to legal pressures.
- Telegram’s founder faced charges related to cybercrime and refusal to assist in lawful investigations, prompting the policy shift.
- Despite the increase in data sharing, cybercrime groups have not significantly altered their operations on the platform.
- The next transparency report is expected in April 2025, which may provide further insights into the impact of these changes.