Fake Data for Real World Problems: The Synthetic Data Solution #datascience #deeplearning #ai

The video discusses synthetic data, which is computer-generated data derived from existing datasets or algorithms designed to replicate the properties of real-world data. The content highlights the necessity of synthetic data in situations where real data is scarce or sensitive, making it difficult to access.


  • Synthetic data is generated from existing data sets or algorithms.
  • It replicates the properties and characteristics of real-world data.
  • The term encompasses various processes and techniques, from simple synthesis to deep learning models.
  • Real data can be hard to obtain or involve confidential information.
  • Synthetic data serves as a solution to overcome access challenges to real data.

  • Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c8x24OmGP4
    Youtube Channel: IBM Technology
    Video Published: 2025-01-03T21:00:21+00:00