Victim: Bettisworth North
Country : US
Actor: play
Source: http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion/topic.php?id=BDapSFgb88k2qg
Discovered: 2024-12-30 18:12:12.205173
Published: 2024-12-30 18:11:10.527413
Country : US
Actor: play
Source: http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion/topic.php?id=BDapSFgb88k2qg
Discovered: 2024-12-30 18:12:12.205173
Published: 2024-12-30 18:11:10.527413
Description : United States
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by play
Security Incident Overview
- Name: Bettisworth North
- Industry: Architecture and Engineering
- Impact: Potential data breach affecting client confidentiality and project integrity.
- Name: Play
- Type: Cybercriminal organization
- Motivation: Financial gain through extortion or theft of sensitive information.
- Name: United States
- Cybersecurity Landscape: Increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to the high value of data and digital assets.
- Regulatory Environment: Various laws and regulations in place to protect data privacy and security, including GDPR and CCPA.