Victim: Megaexit
Country : US
Actor: arcusmedia
Source: http://arcuufpr5xxbbkin4mlidt7itmr6znlppk63jbtkeguuhszmc5g7qdyd.onion/?p=396
Discovered: 2024-12-29 18:17:17.411911
Published: 2024-12-29 15:58:56.000000
Country : US
Actor: arcusmedia
Source: http://arcuufpr5xxbbkin4mlidt7itmr6znlppk63jbtkeguuhszmc5g7qdyd.onion/?p=396
Discovered: 2024-12-29 18:17:17.411911
Published: 2024-12-29 15:58:56.000000
Description : Days00007777Hours00001111Minutes22221111Seconds00001212
www.megaexit.comMegaexit SL was created in 1989. With the sole mission of wholesale produc,…
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by arcusmedia
Incident Overview
- Victim: Megaexit
- Founded in 1989, Megaexit SL specializes in wholesale production.
- The company has a long-standing reputation in its industry.
- Arcusmedia is known for its involvement in various cyber activities.
- The group has been linked to multiple incidents targeting businesses.
- The incident involving Megaexit and Arcusmedia occurred within the US jurisdiction.
- The US has stringent laws and regulations regarding cybersecurity and data protection.