Ransom! Tillamook Country Smoker

Victim: Tillamook Country Smoker
Country : US
Actor: akira
Discovered: 2024-12-25 14:06:13.130895
Published: 2024-11-29 00:00:00.000000

Description : Tillamook Country Smoker (TCS) is a long-standing producer of hig
h-quality beef jerky and meat sticks distributed primarily throug
h grocery, convenience mass, specialty and e-commerce channels.

We are ready to upload more than 14 GB of internal corporate docu
ments including: SSNs, inside financial and medical information,,employee contact phones and emails, etc.

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by akira

Ransomware Landscape Overview

Ransomware Landscape Overview

Victim Information

  • Victim: Tillamook Country Smoker (TCS)
  • Industry: Food Production (Beef Jerky and Meat Sticks)
  • Distribution Channels: Grocery, Convenience, Mass, Specialty, E-commerce
  • Data at Risk: Internal corporate documents, SSNs, financial and medical information, employee contact details

Actor Information

  • Actor: Akira
  • Type: Ransomware Gang
  • Modus Operandi: Targeting organizations to encrypt data and demand ransom for decryption keys
  • Notable Tactics: Phishing, exploiting vulnerabilities, double extortion (data theft and encryption)

Ransomware Landscape in the US

  • Prevalence: Ransomware attacks are increasingly common, affecting various sectors including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
  • Financial Impact: Ransomware can result in significant financial losses, including ransom payments, recovery costs, and reputational damage.
  • Trends: Rise in double extortion tactics, where attackers steal data before encrypting it, threatening to leak sensitive information.
  • Targeting Strategy: Attackers often target organizations with weak security postures or those with critical data that may be more willing to pay ransoms.

US National Cyber Agency Information

  • Agency: Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
  • Role: Provides guidance and resources to help organizations protect against ransomware and respond to incidents.
  • Resources: Offers tools, best practices, and incident response assistance to mitigate ransomware risks.
  • Public Awareness: CISA regularly publishes alerts and advisories regarding emerging threats and vulnerabilities related to ransomware.