Country : DE
Actor: safepay
Discovered: 2024-11-19 22:30:11.777231
Published: 2024-11-19 22:30:11.435309
Description : ZIP-415B – Revenue $5 Million

Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by safepay

Ransomware Activity Overview

Ransomware Activity Overview

  1. Victim: The targeted organization is, a company operating in Germany.
  2. Actor: The ransomware group responsible for the attack is known as Safepay, which has gained notoriety for its sophisticated tactics and high-profile targets.
  3. Country: The incident occurred in Germany (DE), where cybersecurity measures are enforced by agencies such as the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
  4. Cybersecurity Incident: The ransomware attack reportedly involved a ransom demand linked to a revenue loss of approximately $5 Million, highlighting the significant financial impact on the victim.
  5. Cyber Agency: Germany’s BSI plays a crucial role in responding to such incidents, providing resources and guidance to affected organizations.