Victim: Camim
Country : BR
Actor: killsec
Source: http://ks5424y3wpr5zlug5c7i6svvxweinhbdcqcfnptkfcutrncfazzgz5id.onion/?pid=u7wiKoKfY43pUavltznM9uEJ
Discovered: 2024-11-20 02:28:25.755567
Published: 2024-11-20 02:28:25.122269
Description : N/A
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by killsec
Ransomware Activity Overview: Camim and KillSec
- Victim: Camim
- Camim is a notable target in the recent ransomware wave, indicating potential vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity posture.
- The attack may have resulted in significant operational disruptions and data breaches, impacting both their reputation and financial standing.
- Actor: KillSec
- KillSec is a notorious ransomware group known for sophisticated attacks and high ransom demands.
- This group often employs advanced tactics, including double extortion, where they threaten to leak sensitive data if the ransom is not paid.
- Country: Brazil (BR)
- Brazil has seen a rise in ransomware incidents, prompting the establishment of cyber agencies to combat these threats.
- The Brazilian Cyber Defense Command (CDCiber) plays a crucial role in coordinating responses to such cyber incidents and enhancing national cybersecurity measures.