US Finance Company Network for Sale on the Dark Web

Threat Actor: Unknown | unknown
Victim: US Finance Company | US Finance Company
Price: Negotiable
Exfiltrated Data Type: Network access, potentially sensitive financial data

Key Points :

  • A compromised network includes 40 machines and two ESXi servers, one containing backups.
  • The finance company claims annual revenues of $30 million, making it a high-value target.
  • This sale poses a severe risk of unauthorized control and data extraction.
  • Highlights vulnerabilities in the financial sector’s critical infrastructure.
  • Organizations are urged to enhance security measures and conduct regular network audits.

A threat actor has reportedly put up access for sale to the network of a US-based finance company. The compromised network includes 40 machines, two ESXi servers—one of which holds backups—and is associated with a company claiming annual revenues of $30 million. This sale poses a severe risk, potentially enabling unauthorized control and data extraction from a high-value target within the financial sector.

The listing raises alarms about the security of critical infrastructure in the financial industry, highlighting vulnerabilities that could be exploited for data theft or further breaches. Organizations in this sector are urged to strengthen their security measures and perform regular network audits to prevent such compromises.


The post Access to US-Based Finance Company Network Listed for Sale on Dark Web appeared first on Daily Dark Web.