Victim: Khoo and Company, Inc
Country : SG
Actor: cicada3301
Source: http://cicadabv7vicyvgz5khl7v2x5yygcgow7ryy6yppwmxii4eoobdaztqd.onion/8sw2pl4o8jhwbbztvd1zoncf3cnf8bfm
Discovered: 2024-08-31 13:00:08.955792
Published: 2024-08-31 00:00:00.000000
Description : We are a small but qualified and experienced team of professionals that work very closely together to ensure a focused, efficient, and personal approach to delivering our services. Our team members are qualified and trained both internally and externally in domestic and international taxation planning and compliance. Each holds an accounting degree, a CPA certification or is a candidate, and some have obtained or are pursuing a Master, ’s degree in Taxation. Our Principal Eng Kuan Khoo, CPA
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by cicada3301
- Victim: Khoo and Company, Inc – A small but qualified firm specializing in domestic and international taxation planning and compliance, with a team of professionals holding accounting degrees and CPA certifications.
- Actor: Cicada3301 – A notorious cybercriminal group known for sophisticated cyber operations, often targeting organizations for ransomware attacks and data theft.
- Country: Singapore (SG) – The country has a robust cybersecurity framework, with agencies like the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) actively working to combat cyber threats and enhance national cybersecurity resilience.
- Cybersecurity Incident: The ransomware attack on Khoo and Company, Inc highlights the vulnerabilities faced by even small firms in Singapore, emphasizing the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and awareness.