Victim: US Marshals Service
Country : US
Actor: hunters
Source: https://hunters55rdxciehoqzwv7vgyv6nt37tbwax2reroyzxhou7my5ejyid.onion/companies/9530663986
Discovered: 2024-08-26 09:18:28.091632
Published: 2024-08-26 08:18:07.000000
Description : Country : United States of America – Exfiltraded data : yes – Encrypted data : no
Ransomware Victims – ALL
Other Victims by hunters
Ransomware Gang Activity Overview
- Victim: US Marshals Service
- Federal law enforcement agency responsible for apprehending fugitives and managing assets seized from criminal enterprises.
- Targeted due to sensitive data related to ongoing investigations and high-profile cases.
- Incident highlights vulnerabilities in government cybersecurity protocols.
- Actor: Hunters
- Ransomware group known for targeting high-value organizations, particularly in the public sector.
- Utilizes sophisticated techniques to gain access to networks and exfiltrate sensitive data.
- Employs a double extortion strategy, threatening to publish stolen data if ransom is not paid.
- Cybersecurity Context in the United States
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) actively monitors and responds to ransomware threats.
- Exfiltrated data from the US Marshals Service indicates a significant breach of sensitive information.
- No encryption of data reported, which may lead to further exploitation of the stolen information.