Threat Actor: Unknown | Unknown
Victim: Ministry of Education in Jordan | Ministry of Education in Jordan
Price: The price is not specified.
Exfiltrated Data Type: Personal information including employee details, national ID numbers, phone numbers, account details, birth dates, work details, residential information, passport numbers, and more.
Key Points :
- A data breach allegedly involving the Ministry of Education in Jordan has exposed the personal information of approximately 155,000 individuals.
- The breach includes eight CSV files containing highly sensitive data.
- The compromised data files include employee details, national ID numbers, phone numbers, account details, birth dates, work details, residential information, passport numbers, and more.
A data breach allegedly involving the Ministry of Education in Jordan has recently surfaced, exposing the personal information of approximately 155,000 individuals. The breach includes highly sensitive data organized into eight CSV files, which are now being sold to interested buyers on the dark web.
The compromised data files reportedly contain a wide range of personal information. The first CSV file includes employee details such as employee ID, ministry ID, national ID, first name, last name, and middle name. The second CSV file contains national ID numbers, phone numbers, account types, account status (locked or approved), creation dates, approvers, account names, and account passwords. The third CSV file provides a comprehensive profile including ID numbers, birth dates, phone numbers, work details, gender, full names, residential information, passport numbers, major IDs, center IDs, and other related data.
The remaining CSV files (Csv-5 through Csv-8) allegedly include detailed records such as directory IDs, nationality IDs, gender, last names, first names, grade names, institution codes and names, major IDs, school IDs, section IDs, birth years, and various other personal and institutional information.
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